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The NHCTP has identified and produced a number of resources that can assist NHs to establish and deliver “good practice” community transport programs. It is envisaged that the NH Community Transport Toolbox will be a “living resource” i.e. it will be regularly updated as resources are reviewed or developed across the NH sector.

The NH Community Transport Project – Phase 1.

In early 2016, the RANCH worked with staff from the Loddon Mallee Integrated Cancer Services to develop a successful funding submission for a project focusing on the issue of NH involvement in providing community transport across the Loddon and Mallee regions.


This work undertaken by the NH Community Transport Project (NHCTP) included:

  • a gap analysis of community transport at NHs in the Loddon Mallee Region.

  • a review of five successful NH transport programs to identify the factors that make them successful.

  • the development of a toolkit to assist other NHs to establish or enhance their transport programs

  • funding ($5000) for three NHs in the region to either establish or enhance transport programs for cancer and other patients using the toolkit.

Click here for the NH Community Transport Project Report (January 2018)


The NHCTP –Phase 2 – Towards Sustainable Models Project (TSMP)


The second stage of the NH Community Transport Project (NHCTP) involved a collaborative, action research approach to the development of 4 NH community transport models that have the potential for sustainability.


Click here for the NH Community Transport Project -Towards Sustainable Models report (July 2019)


Community Transport Milestone Reporting:

download Report - Milestone 2.

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