Industrial issues can be extremely complex and highly technical. The following resources can provide both information and support to NHs on industrial matters.
Fair Work (Australian Government)
Fair Work helps both employers and employees understand and follow Australian workplace laws. Fair Work do this by:
providing information and education
providing tools, templates and guides
helping you resolve workplace issues.
All services are free.
Jobs Australia
To minimise the risk and associated costs of failing to comply with industrial law, RANCH strongly recommends that its member NHS are members of Jobs Australia.
Jobs Australia provides the following services to its members:
Advice: A toll free 1800 telephone service for prompt free advice on any industrial relations or human resource issue, including hiring staff and drafting contracts, rates of pay, termination of employment, and other employment conditions;
Representation of your organisation in negotiations on employment matters, such as enterprise bargaining, performance management, unfair dismissal claims, and disputes (additional fees apply for labour intensive cases);
Updates: award and paytable updates and regular industrial relations bulletins to keep you informed of developments in the areas of industrial relations, and human resource management;
Training: access to a program of workshops on topical issues as well as tailored programs on request to help promote good HRM practice;
On line access: to our industrial relations publications including Guides to Contracts, Disciplinary Action, and Redundancy;